tally prime shortcut keys download pdf

241 TallyPrime Shortcut Keys Demystified + 32 Productivity Hacks (with Download PDF option)

We all know that shortcut keys in any software help you expedite your work and optimize your delivery time. Tally Solutions has always prioritized the importance of the shortcut keys and has been continuously working on adding shortcut keys in all previous versions of Tally. In this Mastering TallyPrime Series, we will present a comprehensive list of over 230+ TallyPrime Shortcut keys with 30+ productivity hacks to bring efficiency and save you valuable time executing your job.

TallyPrime introduces these new shortcut keys without replacing or eliminating the existing shortcut keys from Tally ERP 9, ensuring its users use the latest version with no difficulty.

Previously we have written about the most utilized shortcuts in TALLY ERP 9. We hope that our students found it beneficial for their practice. Now we are on track to compiling all the TallyPrime Shortcut Keys under one post. A downloadable copy of the same will be available to you soon.

So, Here we go.

Common Keyboard Shortcuts found throughout TallyPrime (Total 49)

Common Keyboard Shortcuts found throughout TallyPrime (Total 49)
# Function/Action Keyboard Shortcuts Where should you find?
1 To navigate to the previous screen and closing the currently open screen

To clear the provided/selected inputs for a field

2 To go to the first/last menu in a section Ctrl + Up/Down
3 To go to the left-most/right-most drop-down top menu Ctrl + Left/Right
4 To go from any line to the first line in a list Home & Page Up
5 To go from any point in a field to the beginning of the text in that field Home
6 To go from any line to the last line in a list End & Page Down
7 To go from any point in a field to the end of the text in that field End
8 To navigate one line up in a list

To navigate to the previous field

Up arrow
9 To navigate one line down in a list

To navigate to the next field

Down arrow
10 To navigate:

* One point left in a text field

* To the previous column on the left

* To the previous menu on the left

Left arrow
11 To navigate:

* One position right in a text field

* To the next column on the right

* To the next menu on the right

Right arrow
12 To rewrite data Ctrl + Alt + R
13 To close the program Alt + F4
14 To examine the build data Ctrl + Alt + B
15 To examine TDL/Add-on information Ctrl + Alt + T
16 To increment the Report date or navigate to next report in a sequence of generated reports ” + “
17 To decrement the Report date or navigate to previous report in a sequence of generated reports “–”
18 To save a screen Ctrl + A
19 To expand or collapse a group in a table Alt + Enter
20 To go to the last field or last line Ctrl + End
21 To go to the first field or first line Ctrl + Home
22 To open or hide calculator panel Ctrl + N
23 To hide or show the details in a table Alt + T
24 To open Company Features screen F11 Top menu
25 To primarily open a report, and create masters and vouchers in the flow of work. Alt + G Top menu
26 To navigate to a different report, and create masters and vouchers in the flow of work. Ctrl + G Top menu
27 To open Company top menu Alt + K Top menu
28 To open TallyHelp topic based on the context of the screen that is open Ctrl + F1 Top menu
29 To open the company menu with the list of actions related to ma-ging your company Alt + K Top menu
30 To open the list of actions applicable to ma-ging the company data Alt + Y Top menu
31 To open the list of actions applicable to sharing or exchanging your company data Alt + Z Top menu
32 To open the import menu for importing masters, transaction, and bank statements Alt + O Top menu
33 To open the e-mail menu for sending transactions or reports Alt + M Top menu
34 To open the print menu for printing transactions or reports. Alt + P Top menu
35 To open the export menu for exporting masters, transactions, or reports Alt + E Top menu
36 To choose the display language that is applicable across all screens Ctrl + K Top menu
37 To choose the data entry language that is applicable to all screens Ctrl + W Top menu
38 To export the current voucher or report Ctrl + E Top menu
39 To e-mail the current voucher or report Ctrl + M Top menu
40 To print the current voucher or report Ctrl + P Top menu
41 To open the Help menu F1 Top menu
42 To open TallyHelp topic based on the context of the screen that is open Ctrl + F1 Top menu
43 To modify the date of voucher entry or period for reports F2 Right button
44 To modify the date of voucher entry or period for reports Alt + F2 Right button
45 To move to another company from the list of open companies F3 Right button
46 To choose and open another company located in the same folder or other data paths Alt + F3 Right button
47 To close the currently loaded companies Ctrl + F3 Right button
48 To open the list of configurations applicable for the report/view F12 Right button
49 To close a screen or the program Ctrl + Q Bottom bar

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Tallyprime shortcut keys to work on Reports (Total 31)

Shortcut keys to work on Reports (Total 31)
SL# Function/Action Keyboard Shortcuts Where should you find?
1 To add a voucher in a report Alt+I Bottom bar
2 To generate an entry in the report, by duplicating a voucher Alt+2 Bottom bar
3 To remove an entry from a report Alt+D Bottom bar
4 To include a voucher in a report Alt+A Bottom bar
5 To termi-te a voucher from a report Alt+X Bottom bar
6 To remove a line entry from a report Ctrl+R Bottom bar
7 To show all hidden line entries, if they were removed Alt+U Bottom bar
8 To show the last hidden line (If multiple lines were hidden, pressing this shortcut repeatedly will restore the last hidden line first and follow the sequence) Ctrl+U Bottom bar
9 To explore further and open a voucher or master from the last level details of a report Enter Bottom bar
10 To explore further and open a voucher for display Ctrl+Enter Bottom bar
11 To change a master during voucher entry or from drill-down of a report Ctrl+Enter Bottom bar
12 To select/deselect a line in a report Spacebar Bottom bar
13 To choose or deselect a line in a report Shift+Spacebar Bottom bar
14 To choose or deselect all lines in a report Ctrl+Spacebar Bottom bar
15 To display the report in detailed or condensed format Alt+F1


Right button
16 To open the GST Portal Alt+V Right button
17 To append a new column Alt+C Right button
18 To change a column Alt+A Right button
19 To remove a column Alt+D Right button
20 To auto repeat columns Alt+N Right button
21 To Refine/filter data in a report, with a selected range of conditions Alt+F12 Right button
22 To calculate balances using vouchers that satisfy the selected conditions Ctrl+F12 Right button
23 To views values in different ways in a report Ctrl+B Right button
24 To change view – display report details in different views

To navigate to Voucher View from Summary reports

To navigate to post-dated cheque related transactions report

Ctrl+H Right button
25 To display the exceptions related to a report Ctrl+J Right button
26 To dig down from a line in a report Enter
27 To stretch or breakdown information in a report Shift+Enter
28 To choose or deselect lines till the end Ctrl+Shift+End
29 To choose or deselect lines till the top Ctrl+Shift+Home
30 To invert selection of line items in a report Ctrl+Alt+I
31 To Execute linear selection/deselection multiple lines in a report Shift+Up/Down

Shortcuts use in Vouchers & Masters (Total 25)

Shortcuts use in Vouchers & Masters (Total 25)
SL# Function/Action Keyboard Shortcuts Where should you find?
1 To remove a voucher Alt+D Bottom bar
2 To cancel a voucher Alt+X Bottom bar
3 To remove item/ledger line in a voucher Ctrl+D Bottom bar
4 To mark a voucher as Post-Dated Ctrl+T Right button
5 To autofill details Ctrl+F Right button
6 To change mode – open vouchers in different modes Ctrl+H Right button
7 To open the Stock Query report for the selected stock item Alt+S Right button
8 To mark a voucher as Optio-l Ctrl+L Right button
9 To add more details to a master or voucher for the current instance Ctrl+I Right button
10 To define stat adjustments during voucher entry Alt+J Right button
11 To view list of all vouchers or masters F10 Right button
12 To retrieve -rration from the previous ledger during voucher entry Alt+R
13 To open the calculator panel from Amount field during voucher entry Alt+C
14 To open a manufacturing jour-l from the Quantity field of a jour-l voucher Alt+V
15 To retrieve the -rration from the previous voucher, for the same voucher type Ctrl+R
16 To go to the next input field Tab
17 To go to the previous input field Shift+Tab
18 To remove the value typed Backspace
19 To create a master, on the fly Alt+C
20 To open the calculator panel Alt+C
21 To insert the base currency symbol in an input field. Alt+4


22 To open the previously saved master or voucher

To scroll up in reports

Page Up
23 To open the next master or voucher

To scroll down in reports

Page Down
24 To copy text from an input field Ctrl+C


25 To paste input copied from a text field. Ctrl+V


Keyboard Shortcuts to Open Vouchers (Total 17)

Keyboard Shortcuts to Open Vouchers (Total 17)
SL# Function/Action Keyboard Shortcuts Where should you find?
1 To open Contra voucher F4 F10 > Accounting Vouchers
2 To open Payment voucher F5 F10 > Accounting Vouchers
3 To open Receipt voucher F6 F10 > Accounting Vouchers
4 To open Jour-l voucher F7 F10 > Accounting Vouchers
5 To open Stock Jour-l voucher Alt+F7 F10 > Inventory Vouchers
6 To open Physical Stock Ctrl+F7 F10 > Inventory Vouchers
7 To open Sales voucher F8 F10 > Accounting Vouchers
8 To open Delivery Note Alt+F8 F10 > Inventory Vouchers
9 To open Sales Order Ctrl+F8 F10 > Order Vouchers
10 To open Purchase voucher F9 F10 > Accounting Vouchers
11 To open Receipt Note Alt+F9 F10 > Inventory Vouchers
12 To open Purchase Order Ctrl+F9 F10 > Order Vouchers
13 To open Credit Note Alt+F6 F10 > Accounting Vouchers
14 To open Debit Note Alt+F5 F10 > Accounting Vouchers
15 To open Payroll voucher Ctrl+F4 F10 > Payroll Vouchers
16 To open Rejection In voucher Ctrl+F6 F10 > Inventory Vouchers
17 To open Rejection Out voucher Ctrl+F5 F10 > Inventory Vouchers

Editor keys and Menu keys used in TallyPrime Developer (Total 119)

Editor Keys (Total 67)

Editor Keys in TallyPrime Developer (Total 67)
SL# Function/Action Keyboard Shortcuts Where should you find?
1 To scroll the cursor up by a line Up
2 To scroll the cursor down by a line Down
3 To scroll the cursor left by a character Left Arrow
4 To scroll the cursor right by a character Right Arrow
5 To move the cursor to the beginning of the current line Home
6 To move the cursor to the end of the current line End
7 To move the cursor one page up at a time PageUp
8 To move the cursor one page down at a time PageDown
9 To choose the edit mode or override mode in editor window Insert
10 To clear the next character from the cursor location or to clear the selected text Delete
11 To come out of a dialog box, similar to the option ‘cancel’ Esc
12 To remove one character back from the current location Back Space
13 To leave one tab space from the current location Tab
14 To start a fresh line Enter
15 To choose a line downwards from the cursor position Shift + Down
16 To choose a line upwards from the cursor position Shift + Up
17 To choose a character left of the cursor position Shift + Left Arrow
18 To choose a character to the right of the cursor position Shift + Right Arrow
19 To choose the text from the cursor location to the starting point of the line Shift + Home
20 To choose the text from the cursor location to the ending point of the line Shift + End
21 To choose one page up from the cursor location Shift + PageUp
22 To choose one page down from the cursor location Shift + PageDown
23 To paste the content from clipboard Shift + Insert
24 To cut the selected text Shift + Delete
25 To remove one character back from the current location Shift + Back Space
26 To move the cursor one tab back from the current location Shift + Tab
27 To start a fresh line Shift + Enter
28 To copy contents from multiple locations or to paste the selected contents at multiple locations Ctrl + <Mouse Click>
29 To scroll the page one line down at a time Ctrl + Down
30 To scroll the page one line up at a time Ctrl + Up
31 To adjust position the cursor a word left Ctrl + Left Arrow
32 To adjust position the cursor a word right Ctrl + Right Arrow
33 To adjust position the cursor at the beginning of the file Ctrl + Home
34 To adjust position the cursor at the end of the file Ctrl + End
35 To copy the selection Ctrl + Insert
36 To delete a word right from the cursor location Ctrl + Delete
37 To cut the current line Ctrl + L
38 Toggles current line with the line above it Ctrl + T
39 To remove one word back from the current location Ctrl + Back Space
40 To position the cursor to the next definition in a file Ctrl + ]
41 To position the cursor to the previous definition in a file Ctrl + [
42 To position the cursor at the beginning of the line Alt + Home
43 To position the cursor to the end of the line Alt + End
44 Undo Alt + Back Space
45 To Shift one line down during column selection Alt + Shift + Down
46 To Shift one line up during column selection Alt + Shift + Up
47 To Shift one character left during column selection Alt + Shift + Left Arrow
48 To Shift one character right during column selection Alt + Shift + Right Arrow
49 To extend the rectangular selection to the starting of the line Alt + Shift + Home
50 To extend the rectangular selection to the end of the line Alt + Shift + End
51 To choose one page up from the current location during column selection Alt + Shift + PageUp
52 To choose one page down from the cursor location during column selection Alt + Shift + PageDown
53 To choose one paragraph up Ctrl + Shift + [
54 To choose one paragraph down Ctrl + Shift + ]
55 To choose a word from the left Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow
56 To choose a word from the right Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow
57 To choose the text from the cursor location to the beginning of the file Ctrl + Shift + Home
58 To choose the text from the cursor position to end of the file Ctrl + Shift + End
59 To remove the line right from the current location Ctrl + Shift + Delete
60 To remove the line left from the current location Ctrl + Shift + Back Space
61 To remove the current line Ctrl + Shift + L
62 To copy the current line Ctrl + Shift + T
63 To zoom in to the Editor Window Ctrl + Shift + ‘+’
64 To zoom out of the Editor Window Ctrl + Shift + ‘-‘
65 To add bookmarks along required lines in the Editor Ctrl + F2
66 To navigate to the Previous bookmark Shift + F2
67 To navigate to the Next bookmark F2

Menu Keys (Total 52)

Menu Keys in TallyPrime Developer (Total 52)
SL# Function/Action Keyboard Shortcuts Where should you find?
1 Delete Del
2 To get the Help Manual F1
3 To find the next occurrence in the current file F3
4 To find and replace the next search result F4
5 To compile a file F7
6 To build the current project F9
7 To go back to the previous search result Shift + F3
8 To find and replace the previous search result Shift + F4
9 To directly jump to any other File Alt + P
10 To hide Explorer window Alt + 1
11 To hide Output window Alt + 2
12 To create a new TDL file Ctrl + N
13 To open an existing TDL file Ctrl + O
14 To save a file or a project Ctrl + S
15 Undo Ctrl + Z
16 Redo Ctrl + Y
17 Select all Ctrl + A
18 Cut Ctrl + X
19 Copy Ctrl + C
20 Paste Ctrl + V
21 Execute OS Command Ctrl + E
22 To find a text in the current file Ctrl + F
23 To locate the given text in all the files Ctrl + D
24 Move to a Line number Ctrl + G
25 To find and replace a text with a new text Ctrl + H
26 To directly Jump to any Definition Ctrl + J
27 To go to Project Explorer Ctrl + 1
28 To go to Output Window Ctrl + 2
29 To go to Edit Pane Ctrl + 3
30 To go to Definition Explorer Ctrl + 4
31 To go to Schema Explorer Ctrl + 5
32 To go to Build Window Ctrl + 6
33 To go to Search Window Ctrl + 7
34 To go to Function Browser Ctrl + 8
35 To go to Action Browser Ctrl + 9
36 To move to the next search location Ctrl + F3
37 To compile a project Ctrl + F7
38 To move to the original description from a reference or modifier Ctrl + Dot
39 To expand the pointed definition Ctrl + Plus
40 To collapse the pointed definition Ctrl + Minus
41 To show all the references for the current description Ctrl + /
42 To jump to previous location Ctrl + PgUp
43 To jump to subsequent location Ctrl + PgDn
44 To create a new project Ctrl + Shift + N
45 To open an existing project Ctrl + Shift + O
46 To comment one or more lines Ctrl + Shift + C
47 To uncomment one or more commented lines Ctrl + Shift + U
48 To move to the previous search location Ctrl + Shift + F3
49 To show all the modifiers for the current description Ctrl + Shift+ /
50 To exit from Tally Developer Ctrl + Alt + Q
51 To open the Attribute References Search Dialog Ctrl + Alt + A
52 To open the Definition References Search Dialog Ctrl + Alt + D

Most Important TallyPrime Shortcut Keys for regular use

The Day Book in TallyPrime is a record of all transactions made on a particular day. It is an important tool for businesses to track their daily performance, such as sales, purchases, and profitability. If you find a mistake or an error in your Day Book, you can easily delete or remove the affected entries. You can also add, insert, or duplicate entries to correct any missing information.

In TallyPrime, the Day Book is a summarized record of all the financial transactions that took place on a specific day.

1. How to select all entries in a day book in TallyPrime?


ABC Enterprises uses TallyPrime to record its daily transactions. The finance team needs to quickly access the Day Book to prepare daily reports.

Steps to Select All Entries:

  1. Log into TallyPrime to Access the software with authorized credentials.
  2. Find and click “Day Book.”
  3. Choose Date: Pick the desired date, e.g., August 23, 2023.
  4. Use the CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE key to highlight all transactions for the chosen date.
  5. Print or export the report in preferred format.
  6. Analyze the report for insights.

select all entries in tallyprime

2. How to find duplicate entries in a day book in tally prime?


Mr. Sunil is working as an accountant in Global Traders Enterprises. He often deals with similar transactions on a recurring basis, such as telephone expenses. Manually entering these transactions each time is time-consuming. So, he was looking for ways to manage it.

Upon realizing the repetitive nature of certain transactions, He decided to leverage the “Duplicate Entry” functionality in Tally Prime. This feature allows users to copy an existing entry and make necessary modifications, saving time and reducing the errors.

Steps to find duplicate entries:

  1. Log in with authorized credentials.
  2. Access the “Day Book” from the dashboard.
  3. Select a specific date range for focus.
  4. Arrange by date, ledger, amount, or voucher type.
  5. Manually scan for identical or similar entries.
  6. Isolate transactions using filters. Just select existing entry and press ALT + 2 key.

find duplicate entry in tallyprime

3. How to cancel a voucher in tallyprime?


Khosla Electronics recently realized that a sales voucher from last week was recorded incorrectly in TallyPrime. To rectify this, they need to cancel the incorrect voucher and ensure that their financial records accurately reflect the transaction.

Steps to Cancel a Voucher:

  1. Log in to TallyPrime using credentials.
  2. Go to “Voucher Register.”
  3. Find the incorrect voucher.
  4. Verify and open it.
  5. Select the entry and then press ALT + X key.
  6. Enter reason for cancellation.
  7. Confirm cancellation to reverse effects.
  8. Check updated financial data.
  9. Enter accurate voucher data.
  10. Keep cancellation record.

How to cancel a voucher in tallyprime?

4. How to delete voucher entry in TallyPrime?


Sun Pharmaceuticals Ltd recently discovered an erroneous payment voucher that was incorrectly entered into TallyPrime. To uphold the integrity of their financial data, they need to delete this incorrect voucher entry.

Steps to delete voucher entry:

  1. Login to access TallyPrime using credentials.
  2. Go to “Voucher Register.”
  3. Find the entry for deletion.
  4. Verify it’s the correct entry.
  5. Select the entry then Press ALT + D key.
  6. Confirm deletion to prevent accidents.
  7. Optionally, give a deletion reason.
  8. Double-confirm the deletion.
  9. Ensure the entry is removed.
  10. Document the deleted entry.

How to delete voucher entry in TallyPrime

5. How to Hide and Unhide Entry in TallyPrime Voucher?


Sunrise Manufacturing has recorded a confidential payment transaction in TallyPrime that should not be visible to all users. They need to hide this entry from regular users while retaining access for authorized personnel.

Steps to hide a voucher entry:

  1. Login to TallyPrime with credentials.
  2. Navigate to relevant voucher entry.
  3. Use the “Hide” option or press CTRL + R) key within the entry details.
  4. Confirm with password or authorization.
  5. Enter a reason for hiding.
  6. Validate the hide action.

Steps to unhide an voucher entry:

  1. Access hidden entry, locate “Unhide” option or press CTRL + U key.
  2. Authenticate unhiding.
  3. Validate unhiding action.
  4. Ensure proper hiding or unhiding.

6. How to shut a company in TallyPrime?


Suppose, Mr Trivedi is a very busy accountant who uses TallyPrime to manage the financial records of multiple clients. He have several company files open at the same time on his computer. Now he need to shut a company in TallyPrime.

Steps to shut a company:

  1. Press Ctrl + F3 or Alt + F1 keys to open the Shut Company dialog box.
  2. Select the company you want to shut and press Enter or click the Shut button.
  3. If you have any unsaved transactions or vouchers in the company, you will be prompted to save them. Click Yes to save the transactions and vouchers, or click No to discard them.
  4. The company will now be shut down.

Note: If you have any unsaved transactions or vouchers in the company, you will be prompted to save them before the company is shut down.

How to shut a company in TallyPrime

7. How to change a company in TallyPrime?


Let us suppose Mr Trivedi as an accountant uses TallyPrime accounting software to oversee the financial records of numerous clients. Currently, he have multiple company files open concurrently on your computer, and he require a seamless method to switch between them.

Steps to change a company:

  1. Press the F3 key on your keyboard. This action triggers a dialog box to appear on your screen, displaying a list of all the open companies.
  2. Use your keyboard arrow keys or your mouse pointer to select the company you want to switch to.

How to change a company in TallyPrime

8. How to modify or rewrite your company data in TallyPrime?


Often an accountant needs to rewrite data in TallyPrime to repair corrupted data, migrate data from an older version of Tally, optimize data performance, or clean up data.

Steps to rewrite your company data:

  1. Open TallyPrime and go to the Gateway of Tally or the Company Info menu.
  2. Press Ctrl + Alt + R keys to open the Rewrite Company screen.
  3. Select the company for which you want to rewrite data.
  4. Press Enter to rewrite the data.

9. How to change voucher mode (Double Entry/Single Entry) in TallyPrime?


Let’s assume MP Traders is a small retail business where diverse daily expenses such as disbursing your staff’s daily salaries, procuring office supplies, managing printing expenses, and addressing miscellaneous costs occur. Utilizing the single-entry mode in TallyPrime streamlines the process, particularly for individuals who may not have expertise in accounting.

Steps to change voucher mode:

TallyPrime’s single-entry mode to streamline processes is beneficial for individuals with limited accounting expertise. Simply press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + H keys to activate this feature.

How to change voucher mode (Double Entry/Single Entry) in TallyPrime

10. How to add Narration in TallyPrime?


Consider Mr. Kothari, an accountant for a retail store uses TallyPrime software to handle financial transactions. His tasks for today involve recording several transactions in Tally, including payment vouchers.

How to add Narration in TallyPrime

As he initiate the creation of a new payment voucher in Tally to account for today’s cash expenses, he notice that the narration for this payment is identical to yesterday’s. To save time, you aim to duplicate the narration from the previous day’s payment voucher instead of manually retyping it.

Steps to rewrite your company data:

He can simplify this process using Ctrl + R shortcut for the same

How to add Narration in TallyPrime 1


This blog emphasizes its role in boosting efficiency by enabling swift navigation and simplified task execution. , these shortcuts are designed with a user-friendly interface to cater to users of varying accounting expertise, contributing to increased productivity. Mastering the use of these shortcut keys not only saves significant time but also reduces the learning curve, making TallyPrime more accessible. The versatile functionality of shortcut keys extends across various tasks, providing users with a quick reference guide for a streamlined and positive user experience.

About The Author

Debjit Chakraborty
Qualification :B. Com
Certification : Certified Microsoft Excel Expert and Tally Profession: Ms Excel, TallyPrime Trainer Organization: Corporate Trainer – Technical Quality Assurance at “ICA Edu Skills Pvt. Ltd".
Industry Experience :Expert of MS Office and Tally, with over 16+ years of experience, trained more than 7,000+ individuals and Delivered Master Classes for over 100+ trainers of Excel and Tally. Mr. Debjit Chakraborty has a rich experience in training for over 16+ years. He has trained over 7,000+ students and over 100+ trainers of Excel and Tally.
Linkedin Profile:https://in.linkedin.com/in/debjit-chakraborty-873b6887

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